Drugs is the abbreviation of narcotics and drugs / hazardous materials. In addition to "drugs", another term that was introduced in particular by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is a drug which stands for Narcotics, Psychotropic and Addictive Substance.
· However, because marijuana is also known as a source of narcotics and usability is more economic value, there is much to plant for this and misused in many places.
· Morphine is powerful analgesic alkaloids and is the principal active agent found in opium. Morphine acts directly on the central nervous system to relieve pain. Morphine side effects include loss of consciousness, euphoria, drowsiness, lethargy, and blurred vision. Morphine also reduces hunger, stimulate coughing, and causing constipation. Morphine addictive than other substances. Patients also reported to suffer from insomnia morphine and nightmares.
· Cocaine is a synthetic compound reply trigger the cell to be very fast metabolism.
· Cocaine is an alkaloid obtained from coca plants Erythroxylon, which originated from South America, where the leaves of this plant are usually chewed by locals to get the "stimulant effect"
· Hallucinogens, the effects of drugs can cause if taken in certain doses can lead to so many a person into her hallucinations to see a thing / object that does not exist / not a real example of cocaine & LSD
· Stimulants, the effects of drugs that can cause body organs work like the heart and brain working faster than usual, resulting in a person's work is more powerful for a while
· Depressant, the effects of drugs that can suppress the central syaf system and reduce the functional activity of the body, so the wearer can feel calm even make users sleep and unconsciousness. For example putaw
· Addictive, Someone who has been taking drugs will usually want to and want to anymore because of certain substances in the drug resulted in a person tends to be passive, because the drug indirectly decide the nerves in the brain, such as marijuana, heroin, putaw
can be concluded drug use could have been but should be viewed in terms of needs and see the condition of a particular situation. If it is too long and had drug addiction then gradually in the body organs will be damaged and if it exceeds the dose so that users will eventually overdose and death
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